I very hesitantly agreed to enrol in the Dale Carnegie Human Relations course this past September. I was very reluctant because I’m older and looking forward to my future retirement instead of going back to school. It was every Wednesday night, from 6 pm to 9:30 pm, for 12 weeks – a big commitment!
Well, I graduated a few weeks ago!

I didn’t really know what to expect. I knew I would have to get out of my comfort zone and do some crazy things. But I have to say, it was a lot of fun. I would say the first two weeks were the hardest, but there were some fun memory games that we played to lighten the mood and to show us we can do things we never thought we could. It completely changed our mindset.

Over the weeks, we got more comfortable with the program and with our classmates – what a great group of people. The majority of our class were team leaders at their work who wanted to learn how to relate to their co-workers and lead them in a better way. But we also had people who just wanted help with their communication skills and to become more confident in their abilities to help them in their future endeavours.

As for myself, I learned how to trust more and to “let go”; to not have to be in control over everything. This has eased my stress level at work, and made work more enjoyable for not only me but my co-workers.
Thank you, Tim, for suggesting I take this course – it was well worth it!