What The Windsor Spitfires’ Memorial Cup Win Means To Me

What The Windsor Spitfires’ Memorial Cup Win Means To Me

What a week and half it has been in Windsor. I am so proud to be from this area right now and not because of Windsor’s win of the 2017 Memorial Cup, but rather because of the positive face the team organizers and many volunteers put forward to show off Windsor and the...
Getting to Know Laura: The Jetsetter

Getting to Know Laura: The Jetsetter

Wow, I just got back from 3 weeks in Australia and was it FABULOUS! However, it didn’t start out so fabulous. That plane ride was long. I left on a Wednesday morning and arrived on a Friday afternoon. What happened to Thursday? We (my family) were exhausted when we...
Why I Am Glad To Do What I Do

Why I Am Glad To Do What I Do

WOW! My first blog and “kick at the can” of spreading my thoughts to the world. Being an entrepreneur in the wealth management world is definitely what I am most proud and passionate about doing in the great Windsor-Essex community (YQG). I have learned at an early...